Apply for Grant

The Council has power to award grants which will bring direct benefit to the area of the parish of Shadwell, or any part of it, or all or some of its inhabitants. The Council therefore invites applications for grants of up to £250 to support activities or projects which will benefit the residents of Shadwell Parish.  Such activities might be social, artistic, educational, cultural, environmental or sporting.

The kinds of projects for which grants are made:

  •  funding to set up a new organisation
  •  contribution to the cost of a community event
  •  purchase of equipment
  •  contribution to the costs of an ongoing project

The Council may only make grants for purposes within its statutory powers. All grant applications are considered and decided in full meetings of the Council. All grants are discretionary and the Council’s decision is final.

Normally grants will only be made to organisations which have a constitution and a bank account.

The Parish Council reserves the right to grant more than £250, in exceptional circumstances. Please contact the Clerk to discuss.

Grants will be made subject to the following conditions:

  • receipts to be provided to show the grant has been spent for the purposes for which it was granted
  • any money unused after six months to be repaid
  • the contribution of Shadwell Parish Council will be acknowledged in any publicity material

Please complete the following application form. The Clerk will contact you if any further documentation is required.