Leeds School Uniform Exchange

As children start returning to school we have been asked to promote the Leeds School Unform Exchange. Please see below:

Wasting good quality school uniform makes no sense. It’s bad for the environment and, in a city with 33,000 children living in poverty, school uniform is an added expense that many can’t afford.

There are lots of families struggling with the cost of new school uniform (estimated to be an average of £348.55 per child per year).

This is one of the reasons why the Leeds School Uniform Exchange has been launched to open up the opportunity for people across our city to donate, buy, sell or swap school uniform.

When children grow out of their uniform or move schools, it can still have a lot of life left in it. There are some great examples of school uniform re-use happening across our city – we’re mapping them so that people can find them.

Help us to help those in need – join theSchool Uniform Exchange group https://www.facebook.com/groups/603050533660854

Uniform exchange groups – map https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=12f68wxlwJ-MdovH7aQRHCwJyBDkWn-v3&ll=53.83729666707567%2C-1.5657927999999899&z=11