Shadwell Parish Council has submitted the Shadwell Neighbourhood Plan Proposal to Leeds City Council for independent examination. Under paragraph 16 of The Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012, the Council is publicising the plan and seeking comments from those who live, work or carry out business in the Shadwell Neighbourhood Area and any consultation body referred to in the submitted consultation statement. The consultation runs for 8 weeks between Monday 15 June and Monday 10 August (closing at 5pm).
Members of the Leeds City Council Neighbourhood Planning Team are willing to discuss the neighbourhood plan over the phone by appointment, please email or phone 0113 37 87997 to make arrangements.
The submitted documents are available below
- Shadwell Neighbourhood Development Plan Proposal
- Map of Shadwell Neighbourhood Area
- Shadwell NP Consultation Statement
- Shadwell NP Basic Conditions Statement
Further evidence to support the neighbourhood plan is available to view.
The full representations made to the pre-submission consultation on the draft plan are also available to view.
Information is also available on the Leeds City Council website:
How to make representations:
You can make representations by using the online survey or send representations via email to
Please ensure representations are submitted by Monday 10 August 2020 (5pm).
After the publicity period has closed, the plan will be subject to an independent examination, which will test the plan against legal requirements and the ‘Basic Conditions’. The examiner will then recommend whether the plan can proceed to referendum, or whether any modifications are necessary before it can proceed to referendum.